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Division of AwareComm

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To Chart a Course for a Better Tomorrow


    Culture Value-ation
        Why It Works...

      Not "What"...
                  But "How"

  The Five Step Process of the
Organizational Culture Value-ation

Step 1: Organizational Culture Value-ation Indicator
Step 2: Results Consultation
Step 3: Creating Organizational Cultures
            Responsive to Change eMods
Step 4: Organizational Culture Value-ation Shift
Step 5: Lasting Change
            A.  Implementation process
            B.  Evaluation at 90 days, 180 days and 1 year


A Glimpse of Passion

A Conversation with Edward Deming

Proof - The Study Results

Not "What"... But "How"


A Glimpse of Passion

In 1987, Dr. Richard Jorgensen founded Awareness Communication Technology as the beginnings of an extensive research and development project to discover the elements of personal and organizational culture change.  His original premise was to identify key factors that prevented learning and applying new knowledge as well as understanding the nature of change.  He could then create the technology that overcomes not only these self-limiting factors but in addition eliminate resistance to change. He set out to successfully breakthrough the glass ceiling, the perceptual blocks, invisible cages and boxes that keep us trapped.  

Everyone identifies the "what", through countless measurements of performance.  They only measure what is not happening, or what is happening that you do or do not want to happen. Next, are assessments that identify multiple fractioned puzzle pieces of old paradigms and beliefs that form like glass menageries without tangible solutions for change.  

The major problem is in "not knowing HOW” to create a solution in the form of lasting organizational change and results that you DO want.  

Four years of exhaustive study and field testing in the most challenging environment with people who had proven to be incapable of change, consistently resulted in success.  Scientific testing proved statistically significant changes occurred in all cases with a "T" factor of 95, which reflected the change occurred exclusively as a result of the unique educational process.

The conclusion of his research and development was that through the use of his technology,  Dr. Jorgensen had discovered a learning system that produced true learning in a way that is inclusive of critical factors of the human experience:

      • Perception
      • Attitude
      • Thinking (and Feeling)
      • Behavior

Dr. Jorgensen achieved doing it in a way that activates conception, the foundation to creativity. It was on the basis of this remarkable achievement that Richard was offered a PhD in humane letters in recognition of his contribution to society.



The Nature of Change
Research Paper

8 Multiple Intelligences
Research Paper

"Pocket Wisdom for Organizations:
Creating an Organizational Culture
Responsive to Change"
What's It All About?  
(12 min Video)

Opening Class Excerpt
(20 min Video)


Got Questions?

Like Edward Deming, Richard’s intention has remained constant over the years.  His unwavering, creative energy and resources have been laser focused on discovering genuine ways of reducing costs and improving the organizational cultures through education and true learning.

His integrated system, technology and programs set new standards in the field of organizational cultural change, behavioral change and the development of interpersonal skills. His approach set a new standard for optimum organizational cultures that eclipses the common approach of developing individual top performers.

Imagine the ultimate organizational dream.  For many, that would be to have the ability to replicate the wisdom of the “how” into an integrated mentoring system that captures wisdom (in its present form) of the top performers.  Then to protect it from piracy and package it so as to transfer the knowledge to others, without taxing the mentor.  Such a process would create intellectual assets that increase your net value, creates revenue streams and delivers the wisdom in a platform for optimal learning.  It is a process that creates optimal organizational cultures.


A Conversation with Founder of Change
W. Edward Deming 
the man who rebuilt Japan after WWII

Richard's research studies included demonstrating the power and viability of his integrated system, of technology and programs exemplifying success with battered women, institutionalized men, homeless people and education systems.  The results demonstrated that clearly the significant increase of self-esteem, as measured by the Rosenberg’s Self-Esteem scale was due to the technology and the program.


Tested under a Federal Grant in 1995,
by an Independent Third Party 
This Independent Study Proven Continuous Curve of Growth
“Creating a Culture Responsive to Change” eMod

Results showed
an improvement of
greater than 1 standard deviation
(statistically significant)

With a T Factor of 95 (95% probability that the change occurred exclusive) as a result of the PLT process.

Success growth line continued long after
the actual learning took place.

Measuring self-esteem is an important factor as it relates to culture.  Self-esteem reflects a person’s overall self-worth.  It is a person's evaluation or appraisal of their worth.  Culture is the combined perceptions, attitudes, thinking, and behavior that people adapt to within organizations.  Self-esteem is grounded in core belief structures, for example, "I am competent or incompetent and emotions like pride or shame and finally in behaviors like confidence and caution.  Dr. Jorgensen’s research produces expanded self-identity which self-esteem is enmeshed in. It is within the culture, the environment that is the soil in which relationship patterns are supported and grow.  Amazingly, post testing results reflected a continuous increase even after ninety days.

Dr. Jorgensen’s research projects enabled non-functioning individuals to “Change”.  They became fully functional, gainfully employed, and in some instances entrepreneurs who were people now contributing to the community.  Imagine the achievements that can happen in an organization that starts at a more functional level.

“The whole is greater than the sum of the parts.”

The idiom “The whole is greater than the sum of the parts”
became Dr. Jorgensen’s mantra as
he was able to transform enterprise business cultures
in Boeing, to the first Toyota dealership, to Solar Turbine.

It was from that common framework, the whole is greater than the sum of the parts that individuals adapted to an environment which cultivated and supported people.

Not "What"... But "How"

In 1995, two important developments came to light from his program "Creating Organizational Cultures Responsive to Change".

  • The first key was in the content.  The content did not lose the benefit of diversity.  People were not slammed into a static, rigid, uniform and made to fill a mold.  They were not taught "what to think", rather learned “how to think", awareness thinking, in an environment of collaboration and supportiveness.  

  • The second most important development was that the program was built upon a platform that other programs of specific training could be taught, learned and applied with that promoted accelerated learning.  

Now a system existed that would help people learn skills, move into new jobs and become a skilled employee more quickly.  A system that transforms individuals and cultures.  This has profound implications for today’s job market!

The same proven model that has been used successfully can be applied to all levels of organizations.





 Click for Testimonies

First Toyota Dealer
in the USA

Life Skills U






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